Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Lilypie First Birthday tickers

Monday, August 9, 2010

So Far, No Good.

So I gave in and POAS this morning. Hubby thought it would be really cool to find out if we are "expecting" on our Anniversary trip so we rushed over to a CVS (told you I would find a drug store) bought a 2-pack of POAS tests and waited till my am pee to test. BFN! :(

I'm hoping that it was too early for anything to show up and not that this month is a wash. According to my chart, I'm 4 days from testing, but since I'm not 100% sure when my body is ovulating, etc. (going off the pill is awesome!) I can't really be sure if when I thought I was ovulating was in fact the day. (I thought I got a positive OPK, but I also could have misread that as well.) I am supposed to get my period on Friday or Saturday, but again, my cycles are still a little unpredictable from going off the pill. I have been have 33-34 day cycles for the last few month so that's what I have been going with. Again, that annoying little thing called "time" comes into play and I will just have to wait and see what this weekend brings or doesn't bring. I prefer the latter.

As for any symptoms so far, my face was very broken out right before we left for the trip and is starting to clear up as the days go by, which is a normal PMS symptom for me, so that one doesn't seem to get me excited. I was having those weird cramps last week, which I thought was too early for PMS, but since my cycles are still unpredictable it could just mean AF could be coming earlier then this weekend. I have had no real breast sensitivity, other then a few issues with my nipples (isn't being a woman fun?!) but again, those could be both PG symptoms and PMS symptoms. As for nausea, I have been experiencing this since I started taking prenatal vitamins and just stitched my brand to try to prevent this. I have had nausea while we have been on vacation, but again, I am in a different place, eating no-so-great food and might be PMSing, so this wouldn't be a surprise. I wish I could say I had "implantation bleeding" or something really significant, but nothing yet. Again, have to wait the week out.

On a different note, I had a beautiful anniversary day with the Hubby. We walked around Savannah for two hours in the sweltering heat looking for a breakfast place and went to a fancy schmany restaurant for dinner and got seated at a romantic table by the window, which had ants crawling over it. OK, enough of the sarcasm. It was actually an amazing day.

I will keep you posted as the week goes by as to when AF arrives (boo!) or if we get a BFP (yea!)

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