I know its been awhile since my last post. It's been a little busy this past week or so, trying to get readjusted from vacation and getting back to work and my regular routine. As for what's going on in the "baby making" department, still nothing ridiculously exciting to report. I say "no news is good news" though.
Its been 45 days since my last visit from AF and while most women would be enjoying this fact, for someone
TTC, it can be a little annoying. As a
previous post said, I surprisingly discovered I was ovulating around day 36 in my cycle and made sure Hubby and I went to work "baby dancing" for the next couple of days to try to take advantage of my "prime time".
As of today, I am about 10
DPO and have been experiencing cramping, sore breasts, nausea and acne. Why does this not excite me? Because not only are these commons symptoms for a pregnant woman 10
DPO, but they are also symptoms of a woman about to be visited by AF. I have been a little excited about my
BBT though. (Yes, I know I said I would stop doing all this stuff, but for now, I am finding that my stress level isn't too crazy, so the temping is something I will continue to do until I go officially crazy.) So far, my
BBT temp has been high for the last 10 days, except for a temp drop on my 8
th DPO, which could have been explained as implantation (if you believe in "implantation dips"). The next day my
BBT went back up and has stayed there. So far, its only been 10 days of these type of temps and you really need to have over 2 weeks of high temps to even think of pregnancy, so even though Hubby is getting excited, I am remaining calm and will wait to test until I hit the 2 week mark and continue to have high temps.
So, with all this in mind, I have not forgotten
the letter I wrote to myself. I have been really good about remembering to love myself and not go insane with analyzing every symptom. I am just excited to be able to even have this process as part of my life and have such a supportive husband, who at times, is even more excited then me to get a
BFP. The wait for that continues, but I am really
ok with it. It's amazing what a little letter to yourself can do.