Maternity Clothes: Yup. 3 pairs of jeans, a whole tub of borrowed clothes from the Best Friend, lots of cardigan sweaters, 1st visit to Motherhood Maternity, and the Belly Belt!

Stretch Marks: It's funny how you find new ones every day! (Note the hint of sarcasm.)
Sleep: 3am and 7am seem to be my favorite times to pee right now.
Best moment of the week: Getting to the 2nd trimester and feeling like things will be good from here on out (hopefully!)
Movement: Round Ligament Pains started big time this week....wasn't prepared for how much these would hurt.
Food Cravings: this week hasn't been too bad. Nothing crazy or new. Would like to go back to craving apples!
Gender: Hopefully scheduling the Gender Ultrasound at our appointment on Friday. I want to know what this kid is sooo bad right now! Not being able to shop is killing me!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Doctor's appointment on Friday, Scheduling the Gender Ultrasound, starting to see a "baby bump" instead of a fat belly (though that may take a few more weeks)
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