Yes. The Coach Baby Bag. It has become an obsession. I must confess that I do have a slight addiction to Coach. My guest room currently holds the "Coach Closet", with my array of bags, shoes and accessories. This guest room will eventually become the nursery so I'm still trying to figure out where my Coach collection will go once the baby thing happens. (Babies don't need an entire closet, right?)
I know my Mom has already purchased a Coach Baby Bag for me (Yes, a little premature, but it was at the Outlet and was adorable and we both couldn't resist.), but it is a gender neutral one and I know once "Little D" arrives and we know what he or she is, I will of course need to coordinate my Coach to match he or she, meaning a pink or blue bag will of course need to be purchased. For now though, I find happiness in checking the Coach website maybe 2 or 3 million times a day just to see if they have designed any new Baby Bags, or anything new, because its Coach and I love it.
But just in case my Mom is reading this post, I have already picked out my Baby Shower cake for the yet-to-be conceived "Little D".

Seriously, I may throw myself a "I'm Not Pregnant Yet But Am Trying So Why Wait" Shower, just to have this sweet baby made!
PS/ I also found these online. I wonder if the Hubby would be open to a Coach themed nursery?

Love the new blog. You made me laugh several times already with just the few posts you have. Good luck...and keep having fun! ;-)