First I met the boy. Then the boy bought me the diamond. Now the boy and I have our bundle of joy!! Follow my journey from newlywed to new mom!
Saturday, July 31, 2010
Thursday, July 29, 2010
OPK Yes or No?
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
OMG...I'm done with pee sticks for this week.
So today I am supposed to be ovulating but I have taken 3 OPK tests today (1 in the morning and 2 this afternoon) and both barely show two dark lines so I'm guessing that means I'm not ovulating. It's kind of frustrating and makes me think that maybe I missed my day this month or even scarier to think I didn't ovulate this month which means there might be something wrong with me. I have been feeling some slight pain in my lower abdomen this week which could be ovulation pains or my IBS saying Hi. So either I'm ready for major baby making or have to poop. Decisions, decisions....
It's only month two for me of TTC, so there is really no reason to freak out or get anxious about anything. The thing that will be driving me crazy is when does my TWW start? Today, next week? In order to not obsess over this as well, I'm just going to not pay attention to calenders, cell phones and any other date showing device until either I get a BFP or AF arrives. Easy enough, right?
So today I am supposed to be ovulating but I have taken 3 OPK tests today (1 in the morning and 2 this afternoon) and both barely show two dark lines so I'm guessing that means I'm not ovulating. It's kind of frustrating and makes me think that maybe I missed my day this month or even scarier to think I didn't ovulate this month which means there might be something wrong with me. I have been feeling some slight pain in my lower abdomen this week which could be ovulation pains or my IBS saying Hi. So either I'm ready for major baby making or have to poop. Decisions, decisions....
It's only month two for me of TTC, so there is really no reason to freak out or get anxious about anything. The thing that will be driving me crazy is when does my TWW start? Today, next week? In order to not obsess over this as well, I'm just going to not pay attention to calenders, cell phones and any other date showing device until either I get a BFP or AF arrives. Easy enough, right?
Monday, July 26, 2010
Monday Morning Chuckle - Update
So I tested this afternoon at 2:30pm. OPK says no surge today but now I don't know what to think because I have been testing at the wrong time. My ovulation day is supposed to be Wednesday, so let's see what 2pm brings tomorrow.
On a side note - this is a little TMI but funny - My hubby told me today he thinks "we did it" (aka made a baby) last night. He said he has a feeling and he tried really hard. Ha Ha. He has no idea how ovulation works, but it was really cute though and if he's right, will be even cuter!
On a side note - this is a little TMI but funny - My hubby told me today he thinks "we did it" (aka made a baby) last night. He said he has a feeling and he tried really hard. Ha Ha. He has no idea how ovulation works, but it was really cute though and if he's right, will be even cuter!
Monday Morning Chuckle
Here is a good laugh for all my TTC girls out there. I realized this morning while reading one of my many TTC websites and blogs, that I have been using my OPK's at the wrong time of day. I thought by getting my butt out of bed bright and early and peeing in my little cup first thing in the morning I would be ahead of the game. Nope. DiamondMomma messed this one up.
According to this website and many others, you are supposed to test around 2pm. Ugg. So much for this month's worth of tests. I am supposed to be ovulating this week, so hopefully I can start testing this afternoon and continue the rest of the week and hope I didn't miss my LH surge.
The lesson learned from all this - Make sure you really read all those TTC websites/blogs very carefully. You might think you are ahead of the game when in fact that first morning bathroom trip you are running out of bed for is really costing you precious minutes of sleep and a lot of pee sticks!
I will keep you all posted after I test this afternoon. I had a little spike in my temperature this morning so maybe that is a good sign. See you later!
PS/ I am babysitting my nephew (my hubby's brother's son) right now. He has to be the cutest, happiest baby ever! I am really excited to have kids when I am with him because I will be loving life if mine turn out like him. I am also completely terrified of having kids when I'm with him because the odds of this kid's temperament being repeated could be slim too none.
Take a look at this kid! Is he not the cutest?! Let's hope happy genes run in my hubby's family!
According to this website and many others, you are supposed to test around 2pm. Ugg. So much for this month's worth of tests. I am supposed to be ovulating this week, so hopefully I can start testing this afternoon and continue the rest of the week and hope I didn't miss my LH surge.
The lesson learned from all this - Make sure you really read all those TTC websites/blogs very carefully. You might think you are ahead of the game when in fact that first morning bathroom trip you are running out of bed for is really costing you precious minutes of sleep and a lot of pee sticks!
I will keep you all posted after I test this afternoon. I had a little spike in my temperature this morning so maybe that is a good sign. See you later!
PS/ I am babysitting my nephew (my hubby's brother's son) right now. He has to be the cutest, happiest baby ever! I am really excited to have kids when I am with him because I will be loving life if mine turn out like him. I am also completely terrified of having kids when I'm with him because the odds of this kid's temperament being repeated could be slim too none.
Take a look at this kid! Is he not the cutest?! Let's hope happy genes run in my hubby's family!

Saturday, July 24, 2010
Keeping It Fun....
According to my handy dandy cell phone app "My Days", right now is my prime baby making time. This means that now until ovulation day, me and Hubby are supposed to be baby making like crazy. Easier said then done. This "prime time" usually lasts about 7 days and honestly, between work and other stuff going on, sometimes the Hubby and I like to "go to bed early" just to go to bed early. I can see why making babies can take a little while. Don't get me wrong, we are definitely "trying" as much as we can, but more importantly we are trying to keep it fun and unpredictable, a promise we made to ourselves at the start of this so we wouldn't feel like "baby dancing" was becoming a chore. I have, however, found ways to make sure that we are at least doing the "dance" at all the right times.
To keep you updated, this is what I have been doing so far: I wake up every morning at 7:30am (yes even on Saturdays and Sundays) to check my BBT; I pee on a OPK every morning as well - this will probably not last long though due to the expense of the monthly kits; I also very casually track my CM - I have not resorted to actually keeping track of this 100%, just seems too icky at this point, but for those who know what is involved with this, sometimes you can't avoid noticing the loveliness that is happening down under. So far, all of these methods have shown I am ovulating every month which is definitely a plus, but whether the use of all these things will lead to a "plus sign," only time and lots of "baby dancing" will tell.
At this point, Hubby and I are in the midst of month two of TTC and have no reason for concern. If you ask doctors and professionals, they say 6 months - 1 year is normal for TTC. I know me, and me says I will not make 6 months, so I will probably hold out for maybe 5 months and then schedule a doctors appointment during month 6 so I can say that I have been trying for the accepted time frame. Hopefully, things will happen sooner then later and 9 months from now I can be posting about birthing plans instead of baby making. But in the meantime, I will continue with temperature taking and peeing on sticks. Oh yea, and "baby dancing". We are going to continue to do that. Like I said earlier, it's not a chore yet and we are having lots of fun, so we will continue to do what works for us. And if that means, what works for us is going to bed early to sleep, that's what we will do. We both know we won't be getting much time to do that, or any other chores for that matter, once the "plus sign" becomes a "plus 1 more".
To keep you updated, this is what I have been doing so far: I wake up every morning at 7:30am (yes even on Saturdays and Sundays) to check my BBT; I pee on a OPK every morning as well - this will probably not last long though due to the expense of the monthly kits; I also very casually track my CM - I have not resorted to actually keeping track of this 100%, just seems too icky at this point, but for those who know what is involved with this, sometimes you can't avoid noticing the loveliness that is happening down under. So far, all of these methods have shown I am ovulating every month which is definitely a plus, but whether the use of all these things will lead to a "plus sign," only time and lots of "baby dancing" will tell.
At this point, Hubby and I are in the midst of month two of TTC and have no reason for concern. If you ask doctors and professionals, they say 6 months - 1 year is normal for TTC. I know me, and me says I will not make 6 months, so I will probably hold out for maybe 5 months and then schedule a doctors appointment during month 6 so I can say that I have been trying for the accepted time frame. Hopefully, things will happen sooner then later and 9 months from now I can be posting about birthing plans instead of baby making. But in the meantime, I will continue with temperature taking and peeing on sticks. Oh yea, and "baby dancing". We are going to continue to do that. Like I said earlier, it's not a chore yet and we are having lots of fun, so we will continue to do what works for us. And if that means, what works for us is going to bed early to sleep, that's what we will do. We both know we won't be getting much time to do that, or any other chores for that matter, once the "plus sign" becomes a "plus 1 more".
Wednesday, July 21, 2010
The Name Game
Do you want to know how I knew my husband was really ready to have a baby? "Pulling the goalie" was of course one of the most obvious signs he gave, but I feel it was his willingness to play the "name game" with me that really did it. What is the "name game"? For me, its where you spend waste less hours in front of the computer surfing the baby name websites for the most unique, creative baby names and then start collecting those names in a secret file on your phone or computer until the BFP arrives and you actually have a reason to start taking claim to them.
Hubby and I sat on the couch last night playing the "name game". Of course, I got some, "no way in hells" and "are you kidding me? They will beat up our kid with that name", but at least he was offering his input. "The name game" is something I played in secret for awhile. I didn't want to freak the Hubby out. TTC was a little bit of a sore subject in our house, especially since he was very adamant about not being ready and my persistence was starting to become "very annoying" (his words).
His willingness now to participate in such a silly game means a lot to me. I have wondered more then once if he gave into TTC because he didn't want to listen to me whine anymore or he was worried that I slowly was going crazy and might even resort to stealing babies from the mall. (This would have never been an option, by the way. I was willing to wait for my own pregnancy. Excessive weight gain, stretch marks and numerous trips to the bathroom to pee are just too awesome to pass up.) I don't have any reason to worry anymore though. I see my husband around other people's babies and notice how he lights up and smiles at them. He even seems to think the poop faces my 6 month nephew makes are cute. (It will be even cuter when its our baby making poopy faces and he has to change that diaper.)
I love how my Hubby is now an active and willing participant in the "name game", even throwing in a few suggestions of his own. While we have yet to agree fully on a boy and girl name (Hubby doesn't seem to be a fan of me getting ideas from the celebrity baby blogs. I'm not really keen on naming our first born after his favorite Russian hockey players.), we can at least agree that we are 100% sure that the TTC game is one we are happy to be players in. And if your wondering how we decide who wins the "name game"? Well, when I'm in my 32nd hour of labor and he has lost all feeling in his right hand from me squeezing it too hard, I'm thinking he might be a little more open to all those celebrity baby names I have been suggesting.
For anyone else playing the "name game" right now, here's some of my favorite websites"
Hubby and I sat on the couch last night playing the "name game". Of course, I got some, "no way in hells" and "are you kidding me? They will beat up our kid with that name", but at least he was offering his input. "The name game" is something I played in secret for awhile. I didn't want to freak the Hubby out. TTC was a little bit of a sore subject in our house, especially since he was very adamant about not being ready and my persistence was starting to become "very annoying" (his words).
His willingness now to participate in such a silly game means a lot to me. I have wondered more then once if he gave into TTC because he didn't want to listen to me whine anymore or he was worried that I slowly was going crazy and might even resort to stealing babies from the mall. (This would have never been an option, by the way. I was willing to wait for my own pregnancy. Excessive weight gain, stretch marks and numerous trips to the bathroom to pee are just too awesome to pass up.) I don't have any reason to worry anymore though. I see my husband around other people's babies and notice how he lights up and smiles at them. He even seems to think the poop faces my 6 month nephew makes are cute. (It will be even cuter when its our baby making poopy faces and he has to change that diaper.)
I love how my Hubby is now an active and willing participant in the "name game", even throwing in a few suggestions of his own. While we have yet to agree fully on a boy and girl name (Hubby doesn't seem to be a fan of me getting ideas from the celebrity baby blogs. I'm not really keen on naming our first born after his favorite Russian hockey players.), we can at least agree that we are 100% sure that the TTC game is one we are happy to be players in. And if your wondering how we decide who wins the "name game"? Well, when I'm in my 32nd hour of labor and he has lost all feeling in his right hand from me squeezing it too hard, I'm thinking he might be a little more open to all those celebrity baby names I have been suggesting.
For anyone else playing the "name game" right now, here's some of my favorite websites"
Monday, July 19, 2010
Change is Good. Really.
There I said it. That wasn't so bad to admit. So if I hate change, why am I trying to pursue something that will most definitely change my life 100 million percent? Who the hell knows? I think I might be one of those people who likes pain - a masochist. Yea, that's me. DiamondMomma the Masochist! Anyway, one of the side effects of hating change is that you can become very immature and selfish. You forget that other people have problems of their own and that what's going on in your life may not be as important to them as it is to you. You want people to stay young forever, have time to go the mall on a random Tuesday or stay on the phone for 2 hours discussing the most recent episode of "The Real Housewives of NJ". Its ok to have boyfriends and get married and have babies, but only if we all are doing this at the same time and no one is changing faster then you.
A huge reason for starting this blog was that I felt I needed an outlet for my ramblings. I needed to be able to talk about the crazy thoughts going through my TTC brain without draining the life out of my friends and family, if I haven't already. Ignorance is not something I have a problem with, so I do realize is that bringing a baby into the world as a selfish and immature person who hates change may not be the most healthiest thing to do, so I have made a promise to myself to work to overcome these thoughts and actions.
For those who don't know, I am a huge fan of therapy. Some people like to keep the fact that they are in therapy hush-hush, but for me I don't shy away from sharing the fact that I go. I think it helps people understand why I am the way I am, that I have issues that need to be worked out and I'm trying to do that. Therapy has also made me really admit to the things about myself I need to change.
I started going to my most recent therapist to deal with a diagnosis of Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS). (You are welcome to Google this one if you don't know what IBS is...but let's just say if you need to know where the most accessible and cleanest bathrooms are in the Philadelphia area are, I'm your girl.) I have a history of anxiety, depression and panic disorder and my stomach was starting to take over my daily life and it made me even more nervous thinking about babies when I felt so unstable physically and mentally. At the suggestion of my doctor, I found a therapist that specialized in anxiety and patients with IBS and have found over the last 6 months that talking about all my issues has helped with not only controlling my IBS, but brought some pretty strong emotions to the surface.
The downside to therapy is that you have to admit some pretty horrible things about yourself, for example, that you hate change and you have a tendency to be very selfish and immature. Having a baby will probably be the most mature and unselfish thing I do in the future and for someone with these qualities, I needed to decide really quickly if I am capable of letting them go and if I was really ready for this TTC thing to happen. Since you are reading this blog, you know I am in the process of TTC, meaning yes, I am working on accepting change and getting all this negativity out of my head. It won't happen overnight, but TTC doesn't necessarily happen overnight either (well, technically it can happen the first time you try, but you understand what I'm getting at), so thankfully I have some time to work through this stuff. And while it scares the living daylights out of me, I have never been more excited for the change that TTC will bring. And trust me, when "Little D" arrives in the world, selfish is the last thing that will be going through my mind. I will have no problem sharing diaper duty with anyone who wants to help.
There I said it. That wasn't so bad to admit. So if I hate change, why am I trying to pursue something that will most definitely change my life 100 million percent? Who the hell knows? I think I might be one of those people who likes pain - a masochist. Yea, that's me. DiamondMomma the Masochist! Anyway, one of the side effects of hating change is that you can become very immature and selfish. You forget that other people have problems of their own and that what's going on in your life may not be as important to them as it is to you. You want people to stay young forever, have time to go the mall on a random Tuesday or stay on the phone for 2 hours discussing the most recent episode of "The Real Housewives of NJ". Its ok to have boyfriends and get married and have babies, but only if we all are doing this at the same time and no one is changing faster then you.
A huge reason for starting this blog was that I felt I needed an outlet for my ramblings. I needed to be able to talk about the crazy thoughts going through my TTC brain without draining the life out of my friends and family, if I haven't already. Ignorance is not something I have a problem with, so I do realize is that bringing a baby into the world as a selfish and immature person who hates change may not be the most healthiest thing to do, so I have made a promise to myself to work to overcome these thoughts and actions.
For those who don't know, I am a huge fan of therapy. Some people like to keep the fact that they are in therapy hush-hush, but for me I don't shy away from sharing the fact that I go. I think it helps people understand why I am the way I am, that I have issues that need to be worked out and I'm trying to do that. Therapy has also made me really admit to the things about myself I need to change.
I started going to my most recent therapist to deal with a diagnosis of Irritable Bowl Syndrome (IBS). (You are welcome to Google this one if you don't know what IBS is...but let's just say if you need to know where the most accessible and cleanest bathrooms are in the Philadelphia area are, I'm your girl.) I have a history of anxiety, depression and panic disorder and my stomach was starting to take over my daily life and it made me even more nervous thinking about babies when I felt so unstable physically and mentally. At the suggestion of my doctor, I found a therapist that specialized in anxiety and patients with IBS and have found over the last 6 months that talking about all my issues has helped with not only controlling my IBS, but brought some pretty strong emotions to the surface.
The downside to therapy is that you have to admit some pretty horrible things about yourself, for example, that you hate change and you have a tendency to be very selfish and immature. Having a baby will probably be the most mature and unselfish thing I do in the future and for someone with these qualities, I needed to decide really quickly if I am capable of letting them go and if I was really ready for this TTC thing to happen. Since you are reading this blog, you know I am in the process of TTC, meaning yes, I am working on accepting change and getting all this negativity out of my head. It won't happen overnight, but TTC doesn't necessarily happen overnight either (well, technically it can happen the first time you try, but you understand what I'm getting at), so thankfully I have some time to work through this stuff. And while it scares the living daylights out of me, I have never been more excited for the change that TTC will bring. And trust me, when "Little D" arrives in the world, selfish is the last thing that will be going through my mind. I will have no problem sharing diaper duty with anyone who wants to help.
Sunday, July 18, 2010
Reason #432 I Can't Wait to Have a Baby.....
There are many reasons I want to have a baby. To be honest though, there is one thing that makes me so very happy and I cannot wait to announce I am with child so I can start shopping for one. I say reason #432, but it might be #4 or #5.

Yes. The Coach Baby Bag. It has become an obsession. I must confess that I do have a slight addiction to Coach. My guest room currently holds the "Coach Closet", with my array of bags, shoes and accessories. This guest room will eventually become the nursery so I'm still trying to figure out where my Coach collection will go once the baby thing happens. (Babies don't need an entire closet, right?)
I know my Mom has already purchased a Coach Baby Bag for me (Yes, a little premature, but it was at the Outlet and was adorable and we both couldn't resist.), but it is a gender neutral one and I know once "Little D" arrives and we know what he or she is, I will of course need to coordinate my Coach to match he or she, meaning a pink or blue bag will of course need to be purchased. For now though, I find happiness in checking the Coach website maybe 2 or 3 million times a day just to see if they have designed any new Baby Bags, or anything new, because its Coach and I love it.
But just in case my Mom is reading this post, I have already picked out my Baby Shower cake for the yet-to-be conceived "Little D".

Seriously, I may throw myself a "I'm Not Pregnant Yet But Am Trying So Why Wait" Shower, just to have this sweet baby made!
PS/ I also found these online. I wonder if the Hubby would be open to a Coach themed nursery?

Yes. The Coach Baby Bag. It has become an obsession. I must confess that I do have a slight addiction to Coach. My guest room currently holds the "Coach Closet", with my array of bags, shoes and accessories. This guest room will eventually become the nursery so I'm still trying to figure out where my Coach collection will go once the baby thing happens. (Babies don't need an entire closet, right?)
I know my Mom has already purchased a Coach Baby Bag for me (Yes, a little premature, but it was at the Outlet and was adorable and we both couldn't resist.), but it is a gender neutral one and I know once "Little D" arrives and we know what he or she is, I will of course need to coordinate my Coach to match he or she, meaning a pink or blue bag will of course need to be purchased. For now though, I find happiness in checking the Coach website maybe 2 or 3 million times a day just to see if they have designed any new Baby Bags, or anything new, because its Coach and I love it.
But just in case my Mom is reading this post, I have already picked out my Baby Shower cake for the yet-to-be conceived "Little D".

Seriously, I may throw myself a "I'm Not Pregnant Yet But Am Trying So Why Wait" Shower, just to have this sweet baby made!
PS/ I also found these online. I wonder if the Hubby would be open to a Coach themed nursery?

Saturday, July 17, 2010
Yes I Can Go From Baby's Birthdays to "Baby Dancing"
So today my hubby and I went to a baby's 1st birthday. It made us both really want a baby while also being horribly terrified of children who have not had their nap yet. We will see if we do the baby dance later - might have scared my hubby just enough to hold off for a few days. Speaking of which, I've noticed that when you decide that you are ready to have a baby, "baby dancing" or as those who don't speak the lingo may also know this as "making love", "sexy time" ,etc, becomes very different from normal married, newlywed "loving". You go from doing anything and using everything possible to not have babies to now throwing caution to the wind and trying to do it as much as you can and make sure that all the, ahem, things that need to be done are done. Things can get very routine after awhile but there are ways to keep things interesting. My mom might read this blog eventually so I'll refrain from sharing what those things are, but you can use your imagination. As would be expected though, my hubby seems not to mind that it didn't happen the first time we tried and honestly, I don't think I mind either. It's nice to have an excuse sometimes to go to bed early. So basically the moral of the story is to enjoy the time you have now with your partner and even if it takes a little longer to make the baby, you should not complain. Because sooner or later, the crying kid at the 1st birthday party who hasn't had their nap will be your kid.
Thursday, July 15, 2010
Catching up to the rest of them....
One thing I have noticed about making babies or even just having a baby is that it changes you and your relationships with other people. The friends who were known as the "life of the party" and could do twice as many shots as the frat boys are now changing poopy diapers and covered in spit up. Random trips to the shore for the weekend don't happen anymore. Your friends with babies are too busy with naptime or feeding time or any other time that involves their new bundle of joy. Having a baby is a wonderful amazing experience, or so I have been told, and even though I am all about being a member in this exclusive club, its still hard to face that fact that your friendships will and are going to change. Personally, I have always felt that I have been steps behind most of my friends. When I was single, they had boyfriends. When I had a boyfriend, they were getting engaged. When I got engaged, they were already married and talking about babies. When I got married, they were my pregnant bridesmaids. Just when I thought I had finally "joined the club" and was ready to tell them about my husband and I "making babies", 2nd babies were already on their minds. Needless to say, I have been trying to catch up for years. Now that I finally feel that I am getting as close as I ever will, it seems like all my worrying and stress was for nothing.
Ultimately, I've learned that its really not a big deal if I catch up or not. Honestly, I probably never will. What I have learned from over analyzing this entire situation (which I know is a bad habit of mine and I promise will eventually stop doing) is that I need to see the bigger picture. Its not just me who is feeling left behind. A single friend of mine recently confessed that she feels I am not around enough and that marriage has changed me. It was a huge eye opener for me. I can't be upset at the friends who might be moving up in life a little faster then me because there is always going to be someone out there who feels they are trying to catch up to someone else. People will move on with life and relationships will change, so I have and am growing to accept that these changes are out of my control and part of being an adult. I am excited to have a baby, and as marriage has, having one will probably change me more. I am ok with it and hope that the friends that are not quite at where I am at, will be ok with me. I am ok with my friends who already have babies and are even working on their 2nd and even 3rd. They are going to be great resources when my time comes and I should take advantage of them being just a little ahead of me in the game.
Ultimately, I've learned that its really not a big deal if I catch up or not. Honestly, I probably never will. What I have learned from over analyzing this entire situation (which I know is a bad habit of mine and I promise will eventually stop doing) is that I need to see the bigger picture. Its not just me who is feeling left behind. A single friend of mine recently confessed that she feels I am not around enough and that marriage has changed me. It was a huge eye opener for me. I can't be upset at the friends who might be moving up in life a little faster then me because there is always going to be someone out there who feels they are trying to catch up to someone else. People will move on with life and relationships will change, so I have and am growing to accept that these changes are out of my control and part of being an adult. I am excited to have a baby, and as marriage has, having one will probably change me more. I am ok with it and hope that the friends that are not quite at where I am at, will be ok with me. I am ok with my friends who already have babies and are even working on their 2nd and even 3rd. They are going to be great resources when my time comes and I should take advantage of them being just a little ahead of me in the game.
Wednesday, July 14, 2010
To fill you in on what's happened so far....
I thought it might be good to fill you in on what has happened so far concerning baby making since that is what this blog is about. I am currently on month 2 of trying to conceive. I promised my husband I wouldn't go crazy with testing and temperatures so early in the process, but I couldn't help but buy my Basel thermometer and ovulation kits. Test strips and temperatures 1st thing in the morning can be annoying but I have always been a perfectionist and tend to have an obsessive personality about things, so I knew I would be doing this stuff eventually so I figured I'd just give into it. I was frustrated with not getting pregnant my 1st month of trying because you hear of all these women who get pregnant the first month or even week of trying, but as a good friend reminded me, you only hear about these stories and not the stories of the women who it took months to happen to so I continue to remain positive and just "have fun" as another very good friend (and new mom herself) has kept telling me throughout this entire process.
Diamonds are a Girl's Best Friend....until she wants a baby!!
I decided to write this blog as an outlet for all the thoughts that have been going through my head the last few months. I am about to celebrate my 1st anniversary and it has been an amazing year with my husband. It wasn't until about 6 months into the marriage and I turned 30 that I felt life was missing something though. Unfortunately for my husband, my clock went from a non-existent hum to a very loud and annoying tick! To make a long story short, it took the next 4 months for my husband to "catch up" with my clock and now we are in the process, and very happily I might add, of trying to have a baby. We are in month two of "trying" and even though it was frustrating not being that girl who it happens to right away, my husband as you can imagine, is not complaining that we are going to continue to try for our "Little D" as I have affectionately named our yet to be conceived offspring. Stay tuned for more crazy thoughts from my baby-making mind!
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