First I met the boy. Then the boy bought me the diamond. Now the boy and I have our bundle of joy!! Follow my journey from newlywed to new mom!
Monday, January 31, 2011
Woo-Hoo!! I Passed the Glucose Test!! You need to score less then 130 and I scored 120! Thank you Baby D and my lovely Placenta for not producing too much Sugar!!
Friday, January 28, 2011
Quick Updates from Today...
Some quick updates:
- Glucose test - not as bad as I thought. Orange drink only gets bad when you have to start chugging at the end to get it down before the 5 mins is up
- Big milestone today - I was lying on the couch and Baby D was kicking up a storm and my belly moved! That was the 1st time that has happened and very cool to see. He hasn't done it since but I'm assuming all that sugar from the glucose this morning has him going crazy today. As soon as I can get him to do this on a regular basis, I will have some video up!
I really want a BFN this time....
Today is my 1 hour Glucose screening. I really want to eat the chocolate chip pancakes I have hiding in the freezer right now, but I'm scared the chocolate in them will "alter" my tests results, so instead I am enjoying a very small bowl of Special K and hoping there is not enough sugar in it to notice. I am terrified of this test today. I really want to pass this 1st one so I don't have to go through the agony of the 3 hour test where you have to sit there for 4 hours and drink that awful solution again. I also am scared of actually being diagnosed with GD (Gestational Diabetes). There is no history of GD in my family, let alone Diabetes, so the odds of me having it are low, but I guess in this day and age you never know what your body is going to throw at you.
Anyone who knows me, knows I hate needles. Getting my blood drawn today is already making me sweat. The fact that I would have to test my blood sugar everyday seems dreadful. Even more important, anything I can do to keep this baby healthy and thriving (and born at a normal weight!) is a top priority. I have already been warned by several friends not to stress too much and worry about something when there is something to worry about, but it still makes me nervous as hell to walk into the Lab today. I pray my body has behaved itself and I will fly through this 1st test with a Big Fat Negative - which I know is kind of ironic since you really like Big Fat Positives during pregnancy. Wish me luck! I will post an update after I get back from the test on how it went and how bad the stuff they make you drink really is.
PS/ We hit the 100 countdown mark today!!!! Double digits post to come tomorrow....
Sunday, January 16, 2011
24 weeks = More Yogurt.
This week was a little tough for Momma Bear. I had to reschedule my doctor's appointment because of the bad weather and got stuck with a rescheduled appointment with the Nurse Practitioner, who I am not a fan of seeing, especially since she doesn't even deliver babies! I gained more weight then I should have this past month and she proceeded to "tore me a new one" about what I am eating and more, my lack of eating protein at this month's appintment. She barely paid attention to the baby and even neglected to tell me the heart rate when she listened to it. (I had to ask. It was thankfully a healthy 144.) It seems the carbs, carbs and carbs diet I am following really doesn't fit into the "healthy pregnancy diet" we "with child" women are supposed to follow. I didn't know the NP at my practice was hanging with Dr. Oz these days! Can I help that both the Taco Bell and Wendy's is conveniently on my commute home from work? I swear their signs were purposely made bigger since my conception date!
Anyway, even after her yelling, which I understand was warranted but maybe in a better bedside manner, I have decided to not let the NP's horrible approach to "educating" her pregnant patients get to me and hope I can continue on with the pregnancy and hopefully make it through my upcoming Gestational Diabetes testing without any horrible results. I also have promised to try to incorporate the suggested protein into my diet. In fact, Hubby and I discovered the new Frozen Yogurt place in town. Yogurt = milk = protein. (Okay, maybe the Oreos and M&Ms and Sprinkles on top didn't help, but life is about baby steps right now.)
How Far Along: 24 weeks - My little one is the size of a ear of corn this week which is kind of ironic being that I suddenly like popcorn again....?
Maternity Clothes: Oh, how I love you maternity jeans....
Stretch Marks: Repeat last week's post. (As I said last week, I've stopped looking for more...)
Sleep: This last week I am averaging 3-4 times a night getting up to pee. This is new and I don't like. :(
Best moment of the week: Feeling more kicks this week. Seeing my belly getting rounder and more "baby shaped".
Movement: Still only kicks from the inside. Hubby still waiting for his turn to feel little man moving.
Food Cravings: Wendy's Hamburgers, Popcorn, Taco Bell (you can't eat that once and then not expect to want it again!)
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
What I'm looking forward to this week: More movement and hopeful Hubby feeling the baby from the outside
Movement: Still only kicks from the inside. Hubby still waiting for his turn to feel little man moving.
Food Cravings: Wendy's Hamburgers, Popcorn, Taco Bell (you can't eat that once and then not expect to want it again!)
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
What I'm looking forward to this week: More movement and hopeful Hubby feeling the baby from the outside
Monday, January 10, 2011
Introducing....My Coming Home Outfit!

I wasn't even looking for it, but Baby D's "Coming Home" outfit found me today! Giraffes are a ongoing theme for this baby so when this outfit caught my eye, it was a done deal. Hubby's mom is an experienced knitter, so with the addition of a green cardigan she is going to make for us - Baby D can make his arrival home in style!

Sunday, January 9, 2011
6 Months Down....3 Months To Go!
How Far Along: 23 weeks - Technically, I'm 6 months pregnant today. Everyone warned me it goes fast, but I didn't realize how true this is. Starting to get nervous about my little man actually being here.
Maternity Clothes: Yup...full time. :)
Stretch Marks: As I said last week, I've stopped looking for more....
Sleep: I think not being able to sleep during pregnancy is a sick joke to prepare you for a new baby. I'm not laughing.
Maternity Clothes: Yup...full time. :)
Stretch Marks: As I said last week, I've stopped looking for more....
Sleep: I think not being able to sleep during pregnancy is a sick joke to prepare you for a new baby. I'm not laughing.
Best moment of the week: Feeling my little man kick me right before bedtime. He likes to remind me that even though its bedtime for me, he's been sleeping all day.
Movement: Kicks, kicks and more kicks. But I'm not complaining. :)
Food Cravings: Wendy's Hamburgers, Spaghetti.....too many to mention.....
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Feeling more kicks from Baby D; Hopefully Hubby starting to feel baby kick...we will see.

Movement: Kicks, kicks and more kicks. But I'm not complaining. :)
Food Cravings: Wendy's Hamburgers, Spaghetti.....too many to mention.....
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Feeling more kicks from Baby D; Hopefully Hubby starting to feel baby kick...we will see.
Remember that NY Giants onesie I bought awhile ago? Here is Mommy's matching shirt!!

Sunday, January 2, 2011
Baby D is Half-Baked!!!
(I've been a horrible blogger over the holidays. Now with the new year starting, I am going to try to get back to my regular weekly updates!)
Maternity Clothes: Thank you maternity jeans for getting me through the over indulgence of the holiday season. I may be revisiting you next year!
Stretch Marks: I've stopped looking for more....
Sleep: Hubby gave me a pregnancy pillow for Christmas. I am in love. :)
Best moment of the week: (I think) I felt my first kicks. I was diagnosed with an anterior placenta at my 20 week ultrasound, so this can keep you from feeling the baby kick early. I am just being patient from here on out and hopefully what I think are kicks will continue to get more prevalent and noticeable.
Movement: Baby is definitely moving around and I think finally kicking me!
Food Cravings: Wendy's Hamburgers, Spaghetti.....too many to mention.....
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Feeling more kicks from Baby D!
How Far Along: 22 weeks - Baby D is more then half baked!
Maternity Clothes: Thank you maternity jeans for getting me through the over indulgence of the holiday season. I may be revisiting you next year!
Stretch Marks: I've stopped looking for more....
Sleep: Hubby gave me a pregnancy pillow for Christmas. I am in love. :)
Best moment of the week: (I think) I felt my first kicks. I was diagnosed with an anterior placenta at my 20 week ultrasound, so this can keep you from feeling the baby kick early. I am just being patient from here on out and hopefully what I think are kicks will continue to get more prevalent and noticeable.
Movement: Baby is definitely moving around and I think finally kicking me!
Food Cravings: Wendy's Hamburgers, Spaghetti.....too many to mention.....
Gender: IT'S A BOY!!!
What I'm looking forward to this week: Feeling more kicks from Baby D!
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