how far along: 9 weeks! Last month of the 1st trimester!
total weight gain/loss: haven't noticed big changes on the scale, but the pants are starting to get a little tight
maternity clothes: since my jeans were starting to get tight, I bought my 1st pair of maternity jeans from Old Navy, but they are still too big; bought my 1st NY Giants themed maternity shirt online
stretch marks: before or after pregnancy? hehe
sleep: still having to pee in the early morning and am starting to notice going from hot to cold, tossing and turning a little bit
best moment this week: this last week was a tough one with the nausea but ordering my 1st maternity shirt online was very exciting!
movement: nope, not for a long while!
food cravings: with the ongoing nausea, I go from being starving to sick at the sight of food, but when I am craving, lately it has been burgers and french fries and apples. (what a combo!)
gender: still awhile till we find this out but Hubby still thinks its a girl though. :)
what I'm looking forward to this week: I'm excited for our 10 week appointment to see how the baby is doing and hopefully hearing the heartbeat!